Patient Participation Group: Core Group: 23rd November 2018

Those present:

Patients: Audrey Alford, Paul Alford, Anne Allan, Hannah Street (apologies: Craig Marriott, David Williams,)

Glossary: Old Court House (OCH), Patient Participation Group (PPG), Sutton Clinical Commissioning Group (SCCG), Patient Reference Group (PRG), Healthwatch (HW), Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Item Action
1.       Core Group and Virtual Group:

The Core Group (CG) has 6 members. The Virtual Group (VG) has 57 members (if one email address is used for two people then it counts as two members).


AAllan to keep VG list up to date


2.       Communication with Patients:

Virtual Group

  • Email sent –Healthwatch newsletter from PA
  • Email sent –notes of meetings for 11/7/18 and 21/9/18

Notes of meetings for 11/7/18 and 21/9/18 had also been sent to the Practice for uploading to their website. To date they are still unavailable to read on-line.

The following dates were proposed:

Friday 11th January 2019 OCH Core Group 12.00-13.30, Liaison 13.30

Friday 8th February 2019 OCH Core Group 12.00-14.00

Friday 8 March 2019 OCH Open meeting 12.30-13.30pm





AAlford to confirm meeting notes uploaded to website


AAlford to liaise with DrW & PD and cc JM re. all proposed meeting dates and venues

3.       Annual Survey:

The CG spent time drafting the 2019 Patient Annual Survey during the meeting, using data from the 2018 survey. It has already been agreed to have a longer period for survey completion to ensure the link to the on-line survey remains available on the website front page throughout the whole time.


AA to complete draft of 2019 Patient Annual Survey for circulation to CG and then forwarding on to the Practice for their adjustments and production

4.       PRG:

OCH PRG Reps are P. Alford, A. Alford, C. Marriott (when available)

7/11/18 PRG report from Paul Alford

A presentation was made by Admiral nurses, who describe themselves as the “Macmillan Nurses of Dementia Care”. They consist of 3 geographically based workers in Wallington, Sutton and Cheam & Worcester Park plus a supervisor. They are funded by Sutton CCG but very close to London Borough of Sutton offering support for sufferers of dementia plus their carers where appropriate. The speaker stated that GP awareness in Sutton CCG is rather patchy, so could delegates ascertain whether their practice is aware of the service. They can be contacted from Monday to Friday, between 10am and 4 pm on 02087705327 or at any time a message can be left on

The Core Group meeting confirmed that the Practice are aware of and use the Admiral Nursing Team.

The second presentation was by Lou Naidu, Head of Primary Care, Sutton CCG, regarding Primary Care Contracting in Sutton CCG. This is a dense 15 page presentation, so a copy will be made available for reading.

A presentation was made of a South West London initiative called Connecting Your Care. This appears to be an extension of the current connection available between Sutton CCG practices and Epsom and St. Helier hospitals giving access to GP records when in hospital. The plan is for Epsom, St. Helier, St. George’s, Croydon and Kingston hospitals to have access to GP records plus each other’s records of patients being treated. The records would be “read only”, thus not stored with the person accessing the information. The plan would be automatically “opt-in” but everybody would have the opportunity to opt out.

A short presentation was made of Improving Healthcare Together, the local plan for the organisation of treatment between the St. Helier, Epsom and the new Sutton hospital sites. There have been 12 separate events with 16 criteria to be discussed.

Dates of future meetings – not yet set for 2019

Healthwatch Sutton is contracted by the SCCG to run PRG meetings.















PA to investigate if there is a link to the presentation document that can be sent to the PPG CG and VG


5.       Newsletter:

The next publication of a newsletter is on hold until information about the remodelling plans can be included.



Practice and CG to liaise



6.       Practice booklet:

A Practice leaflet is available. A fuller Practice booklet is offered online for reading and/or downloading and will be given to all new patients. The CG observed that the latest version of the leaflet needed some re-formatting and were happy to offer to make the relevant changes.

The CG would be happy to review and update the leaflet and booklet once the remodelling is complete.



AAlford to request leaflet be sent to AAllan for minor adjustments and then returning to Practice for copying


7.       Assisting on National Health Days & with other activities:

The Practice are aware that CG members are willing to help if available. It had been previously agreed that the CG would circulate KS’s diabetic clinic and presentation information to the VG. To date this has not yet happened.



AAlford to request diabetic clinic and presentation info from KS for circulation to VG via AAllan


8.       Technical Solutions – Improved Access

No updated information


9.       OCH and RHL development plans:

Progress on-going with the remodelling plans.



Agenda for January meeting

10.       Outstanding issues:


11.       AOB:

  • The PPG had been asked by Pam Howe from HW to review the Practice’s website. AAlford is the representative for the OCH PPG and responsible for collecting in responses and collating this information. The CG decided to meet on Friday 30 November at 12pm to assist AAlford with completing the website review for HW



AAlford to liaise with Practice and HW about website review

12.       Dates for future meetings:

The following dates were proposed:

Friday 11th January 2019 OCH Core Group 12.00-13.30, Liaison 13.30 Dr W, JM (agenda to include remodelling, Patient Annual Survey 2019, website review and newsletter)

Friday 8th February 2019 OCH Core Group 12.00-14.00

Friday 8 March 2019 OCH Open meeting 12.30-13.30pm



AAlford to liaise with PD & DrW cc JM re confirmation of meeting dates and allocation of venues

AAlford to invite JM to Core Group meeting in January